After ripping a Blu-ray movie disc with AnyDVDHD you will have a folder with size about 20G on your hard-disk. You can reduce the file size to about 15G.
First, run TS Remux [this also reduces the entire folder into 1 single file in the M2TS format]. This is how to use TS Remux:
1. Select the main movie file [the one which is the largest] in your ripped folder [..\BDMV\STREAM\00005.m2ts]
2. give an output name ['name.m2ts'];
3. uncheck 'bypass audio..';
4. uncheck audio streams that you do not need (eg. DTS)
5. output format as 'M2TS';
6. click on 'remux'.
This M2TS file format is playable on Windows Media Player 9.0 but you must add in the K-Lite Codec Pack first.